The dark arc of history that we’ve been in for three or four
decades leans this way: the American middle class is being systematically
dismantled, every bit of it — public education, union wages, pensions, home
ownership, labor laws, consumer protections, social safety nets.
What follows for us is a slow tumble into serfdom, and it
never matters what happens to serfs. They don’t count. There are always more of
them to be had. Only billionaires will count, politically, economically,
socially, journalistically and — to the churches they sponsor — metaphysically.
The Republicans are hell-bent on this outcome, and while the
Democrats may drag their feet, they remain headed in the same direction.
The question of how Americans might help each other actually
sickens Republicans. They loathe it, and much prefer to direct the public
discussion toward speculation about the increasing necessity for Americans to
bomb other countries and shoot each other. Those topics they like.
And the Democrats may talk a good populist game, but in
their cozy private meetings they will tut-tut over their impotence in the face
of the inevitability of “globalization” and signal for another glass of that
excellent Merlot, please.
This arc won’t be unbent without a major shift in the
intellectual atmosphere of this nation, a lightning flash of insight about Americans’
real needs and community responsibilities that is not going to be provided by politicians
or the corporate news media with its cosseted, lap-dog pundits. David Brooks is
not where he is in order to provide you with his sage wisdom, but to keep you
from asking the right questions about the United States, now a wholly owned
subsidiary of multinational corporations.
Burgeoning Psychohistory??