Look, you selfish and short-sighted liberals: we just cannot afford to help people. OK?
We cannot afford to blow perfectly good money on America's teeming masses. You have to give up on attempts to help the little people. We can't waste time worrying about friggin' polar bears and butterflies.
The rich will suffer.
And that is simply Un-American.
We have to get together on this before it's too late.
We have wealthy people to enrich, we have brown-skinned foreigners to kill, shit to blow up, terrorists to torture, and oil to steal.
We have to bail out Wall Street. We have to. They cannot be expected to lose money and just go on like the poor. These are different people. They are.... better.
Just as the poor are used to being "poor," the rich are used to being rich. It will be traumatic for them to lose the lifestyles to which they have become accustomed.
Remember when the poor selfishly caused the housing market to collapse by tricking mortgage companies? The wealthy were at risk of having their incomes limited, sometimes to a mere $500,000 a year! Heinous!
They are .... better. This is why they are rich to begin with: they DESERVE to be wealthy.It helps to accept this.
And if you are poor, go look in the mirror — there is a reason you are poor. It is your lot in life, Try to accept it.
It may not seem like it to you, but these people NEED massive profits in order to retain their classy lifestyles. It's unfair to even begin to think about asking these fine people to worry their beautiful minds about hordes of poorly bred mower-class people. It's just not right.
Wealthy people are wealthy because they are simply better. I don't know why this is so difficult to grasp.
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