
Thursday, January 3, 2013

Fox News Wants Answers, You Yoga Nazis!!!

Is yoga exercise "wussifying" America?" Fox News wants to know!!! And what about all those "yoga Nazis?" Are they making war against the God-given American right to be as fat as a pig?
My friend Michael Jones summed Fox News' point up well: "Yoga = FOREIGN!! = EE-VILLE = Booga booga!!!!"
And my friend Ken Barnett added, “Of course they're attacking Yoga. Yoga is the exact opposite of Fox ‘News.’ Yoga relaxes you, strengthens your core, and clears your mind. Something the people of Fox do not want you to do...”
Jim Jenkins chimed in with “(Fox News) figured out how to get their heads up their up their own asses without learning Yoga? I'm impressed.”

1 comment:

  1. Dude, I'd challenge any Faux News dweeb to a Yoga contest.

    1) because if they took the challenge they would fail at the concept of yoga


    2) Anyone Faux News desk anchor would have hamstrings so tight that they couldn't touch their knees.
