
Friday, March 16, 2012

Don't Swallow that Flag-Wrapped Pop Tart

By Dan Hagen
American politicians are flag-wrapped Pop-Tarts with something foul and black in the filling.
Virtually all politicians see no ethical problem whatsoever in lying to the people they purport to represent. And that is why virtually all politicians cannot be trusted. I can count the ones I would trust on a single hand, and two of those are dead.
The Democrats are now what we used to call "Republicans," and the Republicans are what we used to call "fascists."
Case in point
The Republicans, who cheered for Bush and Cheney's unlimited police-state spying on Americans and the use of torture on helpless prisoners whom they stripped of all legal rights, weep, wail and gnash their teeth with outrage in their 
suddenly rediscovered passion for the Constitution (which they have not, in fact, examined, but believe reads "Jesus runs the federal government" and "No Democrat may ever be permitted to hold power.")
All Americans have tacitly agreed that the working class must be forgotten, including the working class themselves, who have been encouraged to keep it constantly in mind that they are only a single lottery win away from becoming billionaires who face an onerous, socialistic income tax rate that does not, in fact, exist.
Pity the poor billionaire for his burdens, Mr. Six-Pack.
So the American political establishment is only officially concerned with "the middle class," but really and unofficially only listens to the upper class. 
Which is just as well, because thanks to what the upper class tells the political establishment to do, there isn't going to be any American middle class. Just a few hundred million poor people no one will remember.

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