
Monday, September 26, 2022

America the Ignorant

Jaime O'Neill: "I sincerely doubt that polite young lady at the bank is a racist. She gave every indication of being a nice person. But when she made that blanket dismissal of all politicians as corrupt, she revealed a willingness to accept a man like Donald Trump as at least no worse than the rest of them. In a mind like hers, there's just no significant difference between Lauren Boebert and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, no difference in character or values between Abe Lincoln and Aaron Burr, Joe McCarthy and Eugene McCarthy.

"Given how little most Americans know about American history, let alone our system of government, it's unlikely she'd know most of those names, anyway. I doubt she thinks there are reasons to bother with knowing stuff like that. She is the product of an educational system that teaches an array of skills, but often little else, thus creating cogs in a machine that we all must serve without much question."

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