
Thursday, November 4, 2021

Stuck in a Preconventional Society

My friend Jim Beamesderfer on how the Kohlberg scale relates to current events: “The graphic shows the levels of maturity in social and personal morality as a person ages. Anti-mask, anti-vax people are generally at level 2, with some use of level 4 as a weapon rather than accepting it as the way to behave in society. The upper two levels do not require strong religious beliefs, which tend to use level 1 as their motivation, but instead a mature acknowledgment of individual obligation to those around us, regardless of theological beliefs.”

Note that not everybody reaches Kohlberg's “adult level” of moral development. Whatever their age, many people remain stuck at the bottom, and they are the source of all our current troubles.

1 comment:

  1. Anti-Fascist Mama wrote:
    The moneyed interests wreak havoc with people's development, their physical and mental health. They push a lot of the propaganda that keeps us divided and struggling. They bawl at us that it's bad to take care of one another. We should be fighting over scraps instead. It's brutal
