
Tuesday, September 7, 2021

To Those Who Use Science to Hate Science

The minds of our young people are being poisoned by knowledge,” Stephen Colbert said. “And the source of this toxic cerebral sludge is our schools. They fill our kid’s heads with dangerous concepts like evolution and PE. Happily, there is one bright spot in education, Texas, the large hadron collider of denying science. I have long praised the Texas Board of Education for their valiant work rewriting our nation’s history textbooks. But now, I believe they’ve got some stiff competition from the Texas GOP, who recently put a plank in their 2012 party platform regarding children’s education, that says, and I quote, ‘We oppose the teaching of critical thinking skills.’ Amen brother. For too long we have blindly accepted the idea of not blindly accepting ideas.”

I've always said that I'm surprised televangelists don't give up broadcasting by technology created by that science they so despise, and transmit their message to the masses through that "Power of God" they're always going on and on about.

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