
Sunday, September 7, 2014

Houdini Meets Fortune

Emma Stone and Colin Firth

Bart suggested we take in Woody Allen’s Magic in the Moonlight this afternoon, so I treated myself to that greatest of all movie-going advantages — knowing absolutely nothing about what I was about to see. So I was pleasantly surprised to find Colin Firth and Emma Stone in the roles of rationalist vs. mystic, a kind of Harry Houdini meets Dion Fortune in the gauzy golden glow of the Cote d’Azur just before the 1929 crash.
Woody Allen’s old-fashioned recipe includes a generous portion of green-glowing romantic-dream cinematography, a touch of Higgins and Eliza and just a pinch of the supercilious Mr. Darcy. Not only can Firth convincingly play an imperious, infallible intellectual, but he can give his portrayal just the right, slight note of fatuousness to bring the whole thing off with a likeable charm.
An excellent suggestion, Bart.

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