
Friday, July 11, 2014

Scent of a Palin

Prof. Palin's American history class is in session.
Sarah Palin, a/k/a White Power Barbie, the Quitter Queen of the Brain-Frozen North, the Fascist Party Doll, Cruela DeWasilla, the Winkin' Witch of Wasilla, is of course the noted half-witted, half-assed former half-term half-governor of Alaska.
Palin’s supporters PREFER stupid people. They fear and mistrust intelligence, and therefore civilization itself. The mistake liberals make is to assume that people want to learn the truth. Many people don't want to learn anything at all. They merely want to be told that what they already believe is true, and that is the function of Sarah Palin and Fox News. And the corporate media plays up Palin as a way of throwing a fish to these know-nothing seals so they’ll clap their flippers for the greedbag puppeteers who run the GOP. In every public appearance Palin’s presence grows more meaningless, and she splashes on more of her favorite perfume, “Eau de Pauvre Victim.” She reeks of it.

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