
Thursday, March 27, 2014

"Todd:" A Term That Translates as "The Death of Journalism"

Every time I hear that smug conventional-wisdom propagandist Chuck Todd, I am reminded that “tod” means “death” in German, and that his kind of agenda-driven, amoral-horse-race, fatally compromised corporate news media crap is the death of American journalism.
“There is not a single bit of 'shared sacrifice' that is going to fall too heavily on Willard Romney,” Charlie Pierce wrote. “There is not a bit of 'shared sacrifice' that is going to fall too heavily on David Gregory, either, or on Jon Meacham, or Andrea Mitchell, or Sean Hannity, or my man Chuck Todd. In the way we fight our wars, and in the way we conduct our politics, and in the way we run our economy, and in the way we function as a political commonwealth, we are now at the mercy of people who propose and enact policies for the rest of us under which they never will have to abide. Our elites are now a universe of chickenhawks and every issue out there is Vietnam.”

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