
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

No, This Isn't Stupidity. It's Enemy Action

Republicans who lied that the 9-11 terrorist attack DID NOT happen during the Bush administration: Dana Perino, Mary Matalin, Todd Harris and Rudy Giuliani. That’s not a coincidence. That’s enemy action. And all went unchallenged on the “liberal media.” What a sick joke the right-wing cable propaganda parade is.
What we really have is a corporate media overwhelming tilted right, and frightened of even challenging glaring Republican lies. 
When Giuliani lied on national television that we had no domestic terrorist attacks under George W. Bush, ABC's “liberal” coward George Stephanopoulos was afraid even to call him on it. He had to be chewed out by the program’s angry viewers before he apologized for his craven willingness to go along with a subversion of glaringly public facts. That’s many things, but one thing it ISN’T is “journalism.”

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