
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

You Say Bain, I Say Bane, Let's Call the Whole Thing Off

By Dan Hagen
It’s a coincidental curiosity that Hollywood has turned to a gruesome 20-year-old Batman comic book villain named Bane at the same time that the villainous Republican Party has turned to a presidential candidate named Mitt Romney, whose job-eating vampire squid company is Bain Capital.
It’s just one of those charming and apt synchronicities that the cosmic jester we call life hands us from time to time. But radio gasbag Rush Limbaugh regards it as enemy action.
Limbaugh is in a seething panic over this. Why? Because mythological, half-understood, bombastic, confused popular culture metaphors that cloud the already dim minds of Americans are Limbaugh’s stock in trade, and he knows how powerful they are, given the fact that they’ve supplied this college dropout with many millions and funded his expensive drug habit.
Limbaugh’s blowhard bravado is shaken, friends. His greatest fear is revealed: that someone will wield his own weapons against him, even by coincidence.

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