
Saturday, March 3, 2012

AP: You Know Your Problem? Not Enough Debt

What we now know as the "news media" serve at the pleasure of the corporate sponsor, their purpose not to tell truth to the powerful but to transmit lies to the powerless.
— Lewis H. Lapham

By Dan Hagen
Have a look at the some of the horse shit that the corporate news media shovels into our plate.
Here's the lead on an Associated Press story about the economy from the May 28, 2010, Charleston Times-Courier: 
"It's a good time to buy a car, refinance a mortgage, hit the road or shop for clothes. Invest in a savings account? Forget it."
That's right. "Forget it." Take on more debt. Lots more debt. That's the best thing you can do, my friend. After all, would the corporate media lie to you? Perish the thought.
The Wall Street bankers who wrecked the world economy with their derivative and credit default swap Ponzi schemes may already own a nice fat slice of your personal income for the rest of your days on this planet, but they'd a much bigger piece, please. They're all about appetite.
Never worry about having anything left to live on tomorrow in this wreckage of an economy. Borrow and spend. Party on, dude. "Forget it."
Here's is a fact so obvious that I shouldn't have to state it. What Americans require are productive jobs and income, NOT more damn consumer debt. The fact that I do have to say that is a sad comment on the state of public discourse in this nation.
But the Wall Street bankers would certainly prefer that you "Forget it."

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